Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jul and Glogg

What a terrifiic Christmas weekend! It was kicked off with a traditional caroling "flash-mob" around Northpointe with ~23 of the neighborhood family adults and children. We celebrated Friday day at GGMa and GGPa's, then capped off the night with a traditional Norwegian Christmas celebration (Julaften) at the McNabney's with the Bowers family complete with pickled herring, swedish meatballs, smoked salmon and glogg. We woke the next morning to a dusting of snow and plethora of gifts under the tree. The kids all got Nintendo DSi gaming systems, so it was a relatively quiet day. Now they are off to St. Louis to meet with the Snyders and Fesslers clans. Good times. I am resting and watching a great KC football game. Go Chiefs!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


     Let's face it, fresh is almost always good and usually better. Especially when it comes to bakery goods, produce and seafood. Granted, some things like wine and cheese are better with time, but most of the time I want fresh. If my wife is fresh with me I know it is going to be a good day.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's Frozen

     Kids say the darnedest things, often reducing a roomful of adults to tears without realizing what they have said that could have been so funny. I remember one particular event through the haze of my years in Goodland, I must have been about 10 and my younger brother Jacob almost 4.

Face Shapes

All 3 of my children are prolific if not seasoned artists, but some of the works are quite good. Our refrigerator door and other available real estate on walls and windows and floors often becomes their canvas, or serves as a backdrop for their masterpieces.

Friday, December 17, 2010


I decided today I have had enough. The dry air is bad enough by itself without the static electricity I generate as I shuffle across the floor to grab the nearest metal doorknob, beloved family member, or dog. We have experienced enough shock treatment this winter to light a small village in northern Clay County.

Why Hedgehog?

     Not to be confused with the spiny little creature from the Erinaceidae family, Hedgehog's Blog has a nice ring to it don't you think? When you are born with the last name Hedges and named after your grandfather Clay the possibilities for nicknames are seemingly endless. Think of all of the words that rhyme with Clay and that just scratches the surface. People get more creative the older you get.


My mind is filled with ramblings and musings from a half lifetime of trials and tribulations sprinkled with a few successes. I decided to write a blog to relieve some of the pressure on my brain, and to entertain my family, friends, and anyone else who seeks a brief respite from their own crazy life. I will try to give credit where it is due and when I can remember the specifics. When I can't I will make it up. These are the Hedgehog blogs.