Thursday, December 23, 2010


     Let's face it, fresh is almost always good and usually better. Especially when it comes to bakery goods, produce and seafood. Granted, some things like wine and cheese are better with time, but most of the time I want fresh. If my wife is fresh with me I know it is going to be a good day.
     I also enjoy a fresh new morning. Being first in line at Worlds of Fun or the zoo is a good feeling too. When I was about 8-9 years old I was introduced to skiing and the concept of fresh powder. There is no better feeling than watching the sun rise in the mountains as you carve tracks in newly fallen snow. I can get a magical feeling being the first fisherman on the water in the morning as my lure breaks the glassy surface of a fresh lake or farm pond and the ripples travel towards the shore.
     There aren't many people at work this morning, most are taking the day off to make last minute preparations for Christmas. When I wandered into the men's room this morning after my morning coffee, I couldn't help but notice that the air in the bathroom was crisp and clean, and both stalls were open with toilet lids up as if to say "look at me, I am still clean from the night before and waiting for you to warm me up." There is nothing more inviting than a freshly cleaned public restroom. Fresh porcelain, ahh yes, fresh is good.

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